There are many important factors to consider when developing your marketing strategy for a trade show. You need to consider costs for pre-show marketing, show costs, and post show follow up. Focusing heavily on pre-show costs will give you a competitive advantage at the show because attendees will be more likely to recognize your name and your brand when you are at the show. This may even result in attendees targeting your booth because they saw a pre-show promotion. Trade show booths are a very important factor in a successful show. You need to anticipate what your competition will be using and how you can stand out at that show. There are many different booths to choose from and it’s important to get a display that will hold up against your competition and make you slightly unique among other exhibitors.
Your post show follow up will consist of cold calling clients you talked to at the show. When you are at the show it is a great idea to make notes on each potential lead. Try to find something unique about each individual and use that to break the ice when cold calling. This will give you a competitive advantage over other exhibitors because your clients will remember your unique conversion and will be more likely to become a client. Never underestimate the power of a greeting card or thank you note to attendees who visited your booth. Courtesy and sincerity can go very far in the sales world.
Northwest Creative Imaging
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