Monday, November 9, 2009

Pop Up Displays Section Launched

NWCI's pop up displays section is nearly completed and ready for the market place. We offer two types of pop up displays: economy and premium. We have decided to offer these models so we can accommodate exhibitors looking for low cost displays as well as high quality displays. We carry an economy line that is focused on exhibitors who do very few shows or exhibitors who need a temporary display solution. The economy line is a very low cost option and exhibitors who are looking for display that will last are encouraged to look at the Arise Premium line. The Arise pop up display is a very durable display that is made in the USA. It has a lifetime warranty and will last show after show.

Although the Arise display is very durable and high quality, NWCI internet pricing makes this display much more affordable than comparable models. We chose to offer this specific model because of the value it brings to our customers. We offer a lambda print upgrade making it possible to get one of the highest quality frames and the highest quality graphics for a very reasonable price.


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