Monday, August 24, 2009

Economy Pop Up Displays from NWCI

I have picked up a new vendor for my economy line of pop up displays that directly imports displays from China and offers very good pricing. These displays are a great option for companies looking for low cost display options. They work great as temporary displays or for companies who only attend a few shows a year. Every kit comes with a field repair kit for any issues that may come up at the show. We cut out the middle man to get great pricing on these displays and pass it along to our customers. We have the lowest pricing on the internet and the largest selection so you can choose between low cost and high quality. We also offer design services for very low costs so you can can get an entire display package for a very reasonable price.

Northwest Creative Imaging

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Outdoor banner stands are becoming more popular

Outdoor banner stands have recently become increasingly popular among companies that are looking to grab the attention of more customers on the streets. These banner stands are a great marketing tool for making your name know in a local area and can be used outside the convention center to remind exhibitors that you are at the show. We offer a full line of portable outdoor banner stands for many different uses. We offer the unique tear drop shaped banner stand that is very effective in grabbing attention of customers driving in front of your store. We also have standard outdoor banner stands that look like a typical banner stand but are designed for outdoor use. There are also outdoor billboard banners that are very large and will be sure to grab any persons attention.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Flooring manufacturers cutting costs

Trade show flooring has always been a good alternative to renting trade show flooring or using the convention provided floor. Due to economic conditions many companies are cutting their flooring budgets to cut costs at trade shows. This has led raw material suppliers, manufactures, and retailers to cut costs to bring the industry back to life. Look for our new trade show flooring section on our web site which will have interlocking trade show carpet and flooring, interlocking plastic tiles, and rollable carpeting.

Northwest Creative Imaging

Thursday, August 20, 2009

How to reduce overall costs at your next show

Trade shows can be very expensive for exhibitors that are new to conventions and do not know the ins and outs of the industry. Trade show displays are a great place to cut costs but it must be done wisely. The best way to reduce overall costs of shows is to buy a display that will hold up over time, and design graphics that will be universal between shows. Banner stands are a great solution to low cost exhibiting. Purchasing a quality banner stand will give you years of exhibiting at minimal costs.

Pop up displays are another good solution to reduce costs and make an impact. When design graphics you should create a universal graphic that will be effective and eye catching. Trade show displays and graphics are meant to grab attention but not to inform. It is critical to make designs very simple and eye catching so you will maximize the number of potential leads.

Northwest Creative Imaging

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

New Trend with Pop Up Displays

Recently many online web sites have emerged that are selling low quality import pop up displays that claim a lifetime warrantee on the frame. This is deceiving at best and fraudulent at worst. Many sites that continue to advertise these low quality products as good values are hurting the trade show industry and lowering confidence in online retailing. We constantly get reports of customers who have purchased products online and have felt cheated by false advertising and mislabeled products. Pop up displays are a very popular option for exhibitors looking for a display that will make an impact with a low cost. This causes many exhibitors to find the lowest price pop up display and go with it.

There are many key features to look for in a quality pop up that will determine if it is a display that will last you for many years. Pop up displays should have a warrantee certificate that states who honors the warrantee and under what situations the warrantee will not be honored. You should also attain close up pictures of the frame structure. You should look for connection points that are solid and do not contain easy to break parts. Trade show stands are a great marketing tool and can be used to generate large returns on your invest, but purchasing cheap, throw away products can significantly raise your year to year costs and make your shows very costly. When shopping for pop up displays you should take time to research the company who is selling the product and the manufacturer who makes it.

Northwest Creative Imaging

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Marketing Strategies for your Next Show

There are many important factors to consider when developing your marketing strategy for a trade show. You need to consider costs for pre-show marketing, show costs, and post show follow up. Focusing heavily on pre-show costs will give you a competitive advantage at the show because attendees will be more likely to recognize your name and your brand when you are at the show. This may even result in attendees targeting your booth because they saw a pre-show promotion. Trade show booths are a very important factor in a successful show. You need to anticipate what your competition will be using and how you can stand out at that show. There are many different booths to choose from and it’s important to get a display that will hold up against your competition and make you slightly unique among other exhibitors.

Your post show follow up will consist of cold calling clients you talked to at the show. When you are at the show it is a great idea to make notes on each potential lead. Try to find something unique about each individual and use that to break the ice when cold calling. This will give you a competitive advantage over other exhibitors because your clients will remember your unique conversion and will be more likely to become a client. Never underestimate the power of a greeting card or thank you note to attendees who visited your booth. Courtesy and sincerity can go very far in the sales world.

Northwest Creative Imaging

Thursday, August 13, 2009

What to look for when shopping for trade show displays

Now more than ever people are shopping for every item they buy to insure they are getting the best value. This is a very good practice during this time because many companies are having sales and products and are willing to negotiate because of the economic times. When looking for a trade show display there are many things that should be taken into consideration when finding a good product. You should always check for quality versus economy in picking your display.

When looking for a quality display you should look for displays that are quality controlled in the USA to insure you have a solid American manufacturer backing up the product. An economy display will always be inferior to a quality American product but work great in situations when you only need a display for a few uses. You should research a wide variety of products to make sure you are getting the best booth for the money. You also want a retailer that will back up the products you purchase and give you the support you need at your show. Look for a company that goes the extra mile to make sure you are successful at your show and that you know exactly how your product works before you get to the show.

Northwest Creative Imaging

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

First Product Page Posted

I just posted my first product page on my web site. It is aimed at being very user friendly and easy to navigate. We incorporated flash into the page to maximize the number of photos on each page. Here is a link to the page:

This is my effort to bring back transparency to the trade show retailing industry. Many web sites lack critical information on their sites about the product. Most trade show products are at least $100 and can range up to $5000+ so having important information on product pages is critical to the customer. Trade show stands are a very popular online items and great product pages should be a requirement of any online retailing site.

Northwest Creative Imaging, LLC

Monday, August 10, 2009

What exhibitors should beware of during the busy season

The busy season for the trade show industry is fast approaching. September and October are historically the busiest months of the year because of the amount of shows in the USA. It is very important for exhibitors to be aware of the pitfalls during this busy time of year. During September and October lead times can be pushed out in part due to the overwhelming amount of orders and the large number of rush jobs that are being pushed through for customers who waited until the last minute. Plan ahead and do not let your display purchase become the least important objective of your trade show planning.

Waiting until the last minute can result in rush charges and possible missed show dates. Arriving at a convention without a display is the worst possible situation that could happen. You have thousands invested into pre-show marketing, a booth space, travel expenses, but you have nothing to display to attendees. Working in the industry I can tell you that I have seen this happen and I try to warn exhibitors all the time of delaying orders. Expediting packages through UPS or FED EX can be a great solution to get your display to you in time, but shipping companies can also be delayed or loose packages.

Just remember to plan for every part of your show. All it takes is one oversight and the entire show can be ruined. Planning for your display is one of the most important steps in prepping for your show because it is the focal point of the entire convention. There is a wide variety of trade show stands on the market today and I highly encourage you to shop around and the display that will work best for you. If you plan ahead and partner with a good display distributor, you will have more time to focus on other aspects of your show.

Northwest Creative Imaging

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Effective Design Techniques Proven from Customers

It is very important to have a great design at your trade show in order to bring in the maximum number of leads. If you don't have a great design then the entire show could be a lost cause. Working within the trade show industry, I know exactly which designs have worked for exhibitors and which ones have failed. The statement I hear over and over is that a simple design works the best. It follows the same psychology as a billboard in that you only have a few seconds to get someones attention at a trade show. I am telling you from experience with exhibitors that a booth design that is extremely busy and over-complicated will result in a low number of qualified leads.

The one thought that can never be forgotten is that there is an exception for every rule. I have seen a few designs that, in my opinion, were too busy but ended up working well for the client. There is still speculation that a more simplistic design would have resulted in better results, but no one will ever know.

The most important concept in a design is to speak to your client base and make sure your design will grab their attention. Trade show graphics are the best solution to make your show a success, but a poor design could give you less than satisfactory results. Every customer of NWCI receives free graphic advice with every order and we also offer design services if you are not sure about how to effectively design your graphics.

Northwest Creative Imaging

Friday, August 7, 2009

Marketing Strategies Related to the Trade Show Industry

Typical marketing campaigns and trade show marketing can require completely different styles of marketing techniques. Standard marketing strategies can consist of brand recognition, target market research, and demographic studies. With a trade show campaign the time and money should be spent in different places to insure you generate the highest number of qualified leads at your next show. It is very important to research the shows you want to attend to makes sure your company fits with the attendees of the show. This can be accomplished by speaking with previous exhibitors, online research, and study of the attendee list.

Next it is important to simplify your company message and mission. At a trade show, attendees are flying through the show trying to cover as many booths as possible in a short amount of time. A complicated and busy booth can distract from your message and divert potential leads from your booth. You also need to research trade show booths to see what size your company will need and the display that will be required to fill the booth. When looking for a trade show display it is very important to take into consideration what your competitors will be displaying in order to spend the proper amount on a display. If your competitors are using banner stands then a fully customized display will not be cost effective.

The most important aspect of the entire trade show is an effective graphic design for your booth backdrop. It is very important to take into consideration that attendees will have 1-2 seconds to view your booth when they are sprinting down the isle. A trade show design needs to be simple, eye catching, and professional. On my facebook page I have many examples of design I have done that have worked very well for my clients.

Keeping good notes and following up after the show is the last step to completing your trade show marketing campaign.

Northwest Creative Imaging

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Trade Show Flooring Industry Hurting

The trade show industry, as a whole, has held up better than most industry's in the recession, but the flooring division of the trade show industry has taken a beating. Most companies are cutting flooring before any other trade show expense. This has led the flooring industry to cut costs to draw in more business. If your company has an interest in trade show flooring then right now is the time to buy. Retailers, suppliers, distributors, and manufactures are cutting their costs in order to bring the retail price down for the end consumer. Trade show displays are still a great marketing tool and right now is a great time to take advantage of low pricing. My web site is focused on providing low cost items that are still quality products. I focus on only the most portable trade show displays in order to lower overhead and bring lower prices to the end user. Check out my sales and promotions section of my site for great deals that I am offering during my site rebuild.

Northwest Creative Imaging

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Why use pull up banners for marketing?

I just launched the index page to my pull up banners and banners stands page. These are a great option for people on the go. All banner stands set up very quickly and easily making them a great option for career fairs, county fairs, retail stores, sporting events, and trade shows. It is important to pick a banner that will work for your company because there are thousands of options on the internet. If you only need the banner for one use then it would be smart decision to purchase a low cost economy model that is built for limited use. If your company is planning on using the banner for multiple shows a year then a premium banner stand would be the best choice. Keep in mind that no matter what the cost of the banner is, it is very important to design effective graphics that will work for your companies marketing strategy.

Northwest Creative Imaging

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pages Launched on Site - Sales on Trade Show Displays

I have just added some pages to my new site. One is an about us page that describes our company and another is a sales pages on trade show stands. This is a little peek into the great pricing I will be offering on the site. I am currently working on many sections of the site and will have full sections built out shortly. I will also start a facebook page on the design portion of my company as well as a twitter account on marketing and advertising. Keep posted for updates on sales and new pages.

Northwest Creative Imaging

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Online Marketing

Trade show retailing is very difficult to accomplish online. It requires well built web pages that are informative and interactive. Many current trade show display retailers are failing miserably at offering support and online information to customers. This makes it very difficult for the legitimate retailers that have well built sites and detailed information to gain the trust of online shoppers.

It is my vision for my company to offer complete trade show display retailing to customers who are looking for moderate to high quality products at true internet prices. I will be offering the most portable trade show stands that are currently the most popular on the market. My goal is to focus on one specific part of the market and be the absolute best in my niche. I want every one of my customers to be happy with their purchase and promote the online trade show industry.

The main concept of online marketing is to create trust in you clients by hosting a well built and easy to navigate site. Once you gain a potential clients trust, your web site needs to keep their interest by providing relevant and important information on all your products and services. If this macro level concept is followed when developing an online web site then online web marketing will be effective and create value for yourself and your clients.

Northwest Creative Imaging

Saturday, August 1, 2009

New Home Page Launched

I just posted the home page for my trade show displays web site. I am currently working out some bugs and changing the design slightly, but its the basic format I will be using. If you have any questions regarding the site or the product please email me feedback and questions.

I will follow up with a blog today about building effective web sites for trade show retailing and online marketing in general.

Northwest Creative Imaging