Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Overall searches for online trade show products down

Recent online ranking reports show an overall decreases in total overall searches for key words relating to trade show display products. The trend has been declining since 2004 where it was at its peak. This could be due in part to the overall slowing of the economy, but my research has lead me to think that it has more to do with the overall quality of online trade show display websites. There are many sites out there that are extremely hard to navigate, have little information, and are overpriced. If searchers are finding this true then word of mouth would drive an overall decline on the number of overall searches on the web.

I have been working in the trade show industry for close to 5 years now and I am launching a new web site that is going to change the face of online display shopping. I have recently formed Northwest Creative Imaging, LLC which is a partner company of Smash Hit Displays. My mission is to provide an online trade show resource for ordering portable products at very affordable prices, the way a true online retail store should operate. I want to focus on bringing the transparency back to the trade show industry by disclosing manufacturer information and provide online resources for every single aspect of the display.

The site is set to launch around mid August and I will constantly be posting to this blog to give people incites to the company's formation and news on the current state of the industry. Keep posted to this blog for updates on my site and all the current trends and insider information on the trade show industry.

Northwest Creative Imaging, LLC

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